Friday, March 7, 2008

15 months into recovery from Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Well, what an adventurous condition this Guillain-Barre Syndrome is. At first, I thought I'd be well again, or close to it, by Christmas 2007, 12 months after I was struck down. But it is not that quick to recover from GBS, epecially as I will have the slowest recovery rate because I contracted it through a Campylobacter infection, so I'm still soldiering on. Life is good though. Our eldest daughter and her husband have extended their family by having twins 7 weeks ago, so now I have 3 gorgeous grandchildren to make things for and be with. I can manage a car trip to their home about 20 minutes away without incurring pain, so at least I know I can go short distances in the car, so perhaps I can start going out a bit instead of sitting at home. Although, I've created so many things I can do at home, I might not have time to go out!!!

Today was the beginning of milestones for our twins. They both smiled for the first time, so at least we know they are keeping equal pace with each other despite the huge difference in their sizes.

That's all for now, but I'll be back.....

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Where I'm at right now.....

Hi, I am nearing my 4th month of recovery from a mild case of Guillain-Barre Syndrome and since I have pretty good use of my hands and arms again now and it is only my legs and feet that are keeping me somewhat incapacitated, I've been searching the Internet for some new styles of embroidery to fill in my days and in particular, all types of lace. I happened across a page that was on a blog, and wanted to leave a message, but lo and behold, I had to log in to do so. And that now means I've joined the newest form of Internet use - the BLOG! I never thought I'd be so 'trendy' (or is 'hip' the current word???), but it might come in hand for showing my family and friends what I've been doing with my time.

I love all kinds of embroidery - hand embroidery of course! Machines don't do as good a job and aren't nearly so flexible or clever to do the beautiful forms of embroidery and lace that the hand can do. Machines aren't nearly so much fun and you can't 'tweak' things if they need to be tweaked either. So, over the coming weeks and perhaps months, I'll put up pictures of my finished items and perhaps a bit about what I'm doing to share with family and friends. At the moment, I'm leaning Snutki (you'll only find Peta McMillan in New Zealand with any patterns), Hardanger (which I've taught myself from a book - it is fantastic to do, I just love it!), Nhanduti (can't find any patterns at all. It's skill is handed down from generation to generation in Paraguay, so now I need to figure it out so I can do it) and have my eye on some Hedebo and various cutwork and eyelet formations to go with it. These are all lacy types of embroidery and very different in style. No item is finished as yet. Too many things to do so I'm doing them all at once!!! Well I'm not much use for anything else at the moment, however, I do spend quite a bit of my day with my head in my Bible and talking to God about things. Prayer is really great, you should try it some time. God is a very good listener and if you let Him, He'll even guide you to what is best for you. Of course, you need to get to know Jesus and believe He is who He says He is, or God won't hear you. Jesus is the only way, the only door that allows access to God. What peace and joy believing in Jesus brings to your life!

For me, this time of incapacitation has been a great blessing in disguise. I have re-established my relationship with my Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Through being overly busy, I had managed to be distracted from maintaining that relationship properly, but all is forgiven and restored - God is a very forgiving and merciful God, if you commit yourself to Him and realise and accept that Jesus has paid all penaltys for sin. I am thoroughly enjoying being out of the world that is rushing by and have gained a real peace about exactly where I'm at for now. Intercessory Prayer is my major occupation, both learning about it and practicing it. God is a great teacher and so are His servants, Derek Prince and Dutch Sheets. I highly recommend getting to know Jesus. Christians are only human and each of us makes mistakes. I looked at the example of people who called themselves Christians for a while and was disappointed. It took me a while to realise that you can only look at Jesus example and not be led astray. Even the most 'holy' Christian will make mistakes. So, trust in Jesus example, and start talking to Him about your life. I highly recommend it.

Back again soon, I hope.....